Kefir is a nutritious and probiotic-rich fermented beverage that offers several health benefits, including improved gut health, antioxidant properties, reduced infections, and enhanced immunity.
It can be made from various types of milk: While cow’s milk is commonly used, kefir can also be made from different types of milk, such as goat, sheep, soy, walnut, coconut, rice, and peanut milk.
Kefir is made using “kefir grains”, which contain bacteria and fungi within a matrix called kefiran, composed of glucose and galactose. It is typically fermented for 12-24 hours at 22-26ºC and can be stored at room temperature for a few days, in the refrigerator for a few weeks, or in the freezer for a couple of months.
To ensure consistent kefir production for commercial purposes, specific bacterial cultures are commonly added, including Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactococcus lactis, S. cerevisiae, L. bulgaricus, and S. thermophilus, along with sugar supplementation to stimulate growth.
These are just some of its health benefits:
- It is rich in nutrients like protein, calcium, vitamins B12, B2, D, and magnesium (calcium and vitamin D content is mainly from a dairy source unless the non-dairy source is fortified).
- It promotes gut health and improved digestion.
- It has antioxidant properties that help protect the body from harmful free radicals.
- It can reduce infections in the gastrointestinal tract and overtime improve bowel function.
- It contains antimicrobial substances like bacteriocin, lactic acid, and others that can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. It also has antiviral properties and can protect against infections like influenza or COVID-19.
- It also helps protect against the development of common conditions such as atopic dermatitis, allergic eczema, allergic asthma, and allergic rhinitis.
In conclusion, whether you choose a dairy or non-dairy source of kefir to add to your diet, you are sure to benefit in the longterm.
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